James Mahoney DUE 9552975 American Association of Community Colleges FY1995 $161,390 Washington, DC 20036-1176 FY1996 $ 75,930 Advanced Technological Education Title: Expanding the Network of Community Colleges in Advanced Science and Engineering Technology Education The American Association of Community Colleges is conducting a two year project consisting of a series of interconnected activities designed to enhance the quality of science, mathematics, engineering, and technological education in community colleges. The activities include (a) two national meetings approximately one year apart of representatives from groups interested in science and engineering advanced technological education including the principal investigators from many current Advanced Technological Education (ATE) projects and centers, private and public sector leaders, and professional associations; (b) a roundtable of experts on issues in science and engineering advanced technological education; and (c) a live national teleconference on such issues. The sequence of programs is designed to provide people interested in advanced technological education opportunities to network with one another; identify significant issues related to the delivery of effective science and engineering technological education; disseminate the results of these activities to a broad national audience; and, broadcast a national teleconference on these issues. Expected outcomes include a sharper understanding of the characteristics of successful science and engineering technological education programs for all stakeholders in this arena, the development of additional resource documents of use to current and future participants in these education programs, and an increased awareness of the value of each of these activities for deliverin g information to a broad audience.