Fiber optics technology has an ever increasing number of applications, not only in industry, manufacturing and research, but also in the home and office. Over 80% of the optical fiber in use in the United States is employed in telecommunications applications. It is anticipated the industry will grow at an accelerating rate as the demands of the "information super-highway" expand into businesses and homes. The New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) proposes to administer and coordinate a series of regional two-day workshops, one-week summer workshops, two-day technical assistance sessions and a final one-week summer workshop, beginning in the fall of 1995 and completing in the spring of 1998, designed to increase the number of high school teachers and two-year college faculty who will include fiber optics and related topics in their science/technology programs. Special attention will be paid to include traditionally under-served populations such as women and minorities. The project will link with the Regional Student Network and faculty mentors that are part of NEBHE's Equity and Pluralism project. The project will include faculty enhancement, curriculum development and laboratory improvement. There will also be strong participation form industry, including a co-PI, members on an advisory committee, presenters in the workshops, development of laboratories, site visits and possible future internships for students.