This project continues the "NSF-catalyzed Innovations in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory" symposium at the fall 1996, 1997, and 1998 national meetings of the American Chemical Society. Since 1985, the National Science Foundation's College Science Instrumentation Program (CSIP) and the Instructional Laboratory Instrumentation (ILI) program have made possible a wide variety of instructional improvement projects in chemistry. Since 1987, a symposium "NSF-Catalyzed Innovations in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory" has been held at each fall national meeting of the American Chemical Society. This event has become well-established, and each year twice the number of abstracts required for an all-day session are submitted. Attendance at the 1994 symposium varied from 20 to 71 persons during the day. The Program Officer Chair of the ACS Division of Chemical Education has agreed to include this event in the CHED program at the 1996-98 fall ACS meetings. These events have been held in order to improve the understanding of the purposes of this NSF program, and in order to dissemilate the results of some of the best projects.