The Chautauqua program provides an annual series of workshops in which scholars at the frontiers of various sciences and engineering meet intensively for several days with undergraduate college science teachers. These workshops provide an opportunity for invited scholars to communicate new knowledge, concepts, and techniques directly to college teachers in ways which are immediately beneficial to their teaching. The primary aim is to enable undergraduate teachers in the sciences to keep current and relevant. This program is national in scope and will immediately benefit large numbers of college faculty (7,500 participants over three years) who in turn positively influence more than 1,000,000 undergraduates. This program which has impact on the quality of undergraduate programs in both two- and four-year institutions is an essential element in attracting and maintaining an adequate supply of graduates in science, mathematics and engineering. The program follows the recommendation of the National Science Board that the Foundation use highly leveraged program support to address the serious national problems in undergraduate education. The project is 1/3 supported by NSF.