National Aeronautics and Space Administration - American Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges Project Coalition: A Reform Mathematics Pedagogy and Laboratory The reform pedagogy advocated by the Standards of AMATYC's (American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges) "Crossroads In Mathematics" implies significant shortcomings in the way mathematics is currently taught in community/technical colleges. Two-year college students do not have sufficient access in their mathematics courses to real world applications from aeronautics and space technology. The goal of this project is to develop a collection of laboratory/technical activities (LTAs) that significantly contribute to the way in which mathematics from prealgebra through calculus is perceived, taught, and learned in community/technical colleges. The LTAs will be developed by community/technical college faculty working with NASA Scientists/Engineers at the Kennedy Space Center. The LTAs will be based on a wide range of technical problems generated from the science of aeronautics and space. In addition, the project will develop Spinoffs from the LTAs that extend them into other related mathematical areas. The targeted audience includes all community/technical college students of whom significantly more than 50% are women and minorities. "NASA-AMATYC PC" is a project coalition involving three organizations: NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), AMATYC (American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges), and CC-TC (Capital Community-Technical College). This project will provide community/technical college students with a collection of real world technological applications. These applications will be embedded in a pedagogical structure that supports AMATYC's Standards. Evaluation, occurring at every stage of the development process, will articulate the LTAs with mathematics education at the secondary school, two and four-year college levels. Dissemination will take place nationally via brochures, booklets and presentations, and globally on the Internet.