Department of Environmental Science administers the B.S. degree in Environmental Science. One of the course requirements for the degree is Geoscience, a course designed to integrate the study of physical science principles with the technology used to investigate and depict them. The College will expand the course and add laboratory and field exercises through acquistion of equipment to allow students to acquire and interpret field data via map, stereoscope, current meter, sieve shaker, weather station, and ArcView software. The project will allow the development of an integrated course in the physical sciences. The course's laboratory experience will place emphasis on data acquisition and analysis rather than strictly on observations. Modern mapping and image interpretation will constitute a major portion of the laboratory and will permit the students to utilize methods and technology rarely available to undergraduates, particularly in smaller institutions. By being open to non-majors, Environmental Science majors, and working professionals, the course also will provide the opportunity for students having different career paths to interact.