The present basic-science education of nursing students lacks sufficient course and content integration and is deficient in analytical and interpretation skills. This department is addressing this deficiency by improving the undergraduate science curriculum for nursing students in medical physics, human physiology, and nursing laboratories by the introduction of an Integrated Computer System in all three courses. The primary components of an Integrated Computer System include a computer with CD-ROM and software and hardware interface for experiments. This system enhances discipline integration by three activities. First, the Integrated Computer System introduces nursing students to a system of data acquisition, analysis, and extrapolation in the laboratory that is identical for all three disciplines. Each course builds upon the analytical skills developed in the previous course. Second, the Integrated System is utilized to link learning modules between each discipline. Each course develops a series of learning modules based upon the same concepts. Each module includes the basic principles of the concept, laboratory or clinical procedures, data acquisition and analysis, and conclusion and applications. Each module is carried with the student to the next course, thus linking all three disciplines. Third, the Integrated System introduces simulations that can be used in all three disciplines and greatly extends the traditional laboratory or clinical conditions. The primary goal of these three methods is to enhance the nursing student's appreciation and knowledge of concepts that can be applied across disciplines and thus enhance their motivation and ability to master these concepts.