This project is designed to improve the quality of undergraduate instruction in GEOS 240, Environmental Monitoring and other courses required in the Environmental Science major and related majors. Students are learning state-of-the-art techniques for monitoring nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon. Upon successful completion of GEOS 240, students undertake a semester-long internship with the Chico Environmental Laboratory using the same instrumentation as used in GEOS 240. Students have the opportunity to integrate classroom theory and refine instrument techniques with practical hands-on experience on real projects in a certified state lab, under the guidance of professionals. They also have the opportunity to use the equipment in individual research projects. The project also involves the expansion of the Lachat ion analyzer to accommodate the analysis of several ions of environmental concern, a total organic carbon analyzer to determine the amount of inorganic and organic carbon in soil and water, and a steam sterilizer for the cleaning of glassware. The changes in the program can result in a more relevant learning experience, which will better prepare students for the growing job market.