Florida International University (FIU) opened it's Southwest Miami campus in 1972, and a second smaller campus, the North Campus, in 1977. The proposed project is being developed at the North Campus. We are establishing a computer laboratory for biology and chemistry students, to purchase an absorption spectrophotometer, specialized physiology equipment, and computer software to enhance and expand our current laboratory curriculum. The requested instrumentation allows us to conduct computerized experiments that will reinforce concepts such as kinetics, equilibrium, muscle, cardiac, nerve, and respiratory physiology, data analysis, and spectroscopy. The University has a diverse student population of approximately 28,000 with 66% of the students being minority. The North Campus, the site of this proposed project has the following distribution: 35% black, 28% Hispanic, and 26% white. Our departments are striving to stimulate early interest in science and encourage students to pursue scientific careers. Minority students, being in the majority at this university, would, therefore, be the beneficiaries of the proposed project. To teach and motivate students, it is imperative to provide them with current technology in the laboratory, a well balanced program of exciting experiments, and facilities to increase computer science literacy. It is our belief that implementation of this project will have a significant impact on both science and non-science majors with the potential expansion of innovative programs to other courses at the North and South campuses.