The Interactive VLSI IC Design Lab is devoted to serving both undergraduate and graduate students within the College of Science and Engineering. The Interactive VLSI IC Design Lab is primarily concerned with developing hands-on experience in circuit and system design through the interactive use of workstations. The idea is that instructors and students work concurrently; students learn tools and techniques while the instructor concurrently advises and corrects their designs. Such an idea is feasible through the application of the professional design system from Mentor Graphics, where all design databases can be accessed in real time by the instructor. Additionally, the new equipment can serve CSE students in other classes. Moreover, the research activities using the workstations may be expanded. The new equipment (eight SUN SPARCStations) meets the needs of this department in terms of hardware/software compatibility with the existing equipment. This program improves the quality, effectiveness, and accessibility of engineering education. As a result, it attracts students by giving them opportunities to achieve excellence in the area of hardware design for VLSI circuits and systems.