Current teacher education programs do not sufficiently prepare mathematics teachers to implement the current recommendations of national mathematics groups. The TIME 2000 project proposes to address this problem by recruiting prospective teachers from the pool of high quality high school mathematics students, underrepresented minorities, women, and persons with disabilities, into a newly designed, mathematics education program. TIME 2000 plans to develop a freshman year program that will conceptually integrate the mathematics, the psychology of learning, and mathematics pedagogy. The Mathematics Components of the program will integrate such topics as calculus, probability, statistics, and discrete mathematics and will employ the latest technology and teaching strategies. In the Psychology-Mathematics Education Component of the program students will be given the opportunity to confront their personal beliefs about the nature of mathematics, the learning of mathematics and the teaching of mathematics with respect to their learning experiences in the mathematics component of the program. In addition to the coursework students will meet with project staff on a regular basis for seminars, for special projects, for advisement, and to obtain feedback regarding the project. It is expected that the project will have impact on teacher education throughout the country. The New York Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation in Mathematics, Science and Technology will be the medium through which project staff will share those ideas and activities that have been evaluated as effective. The materials developed will be made available to facilitate replication throughout the CUNY system and the United States.