Dr. David Ferguson received his Ph.D. in Mathematics and Science Education from the University of California-Berkeley in 1980. Currently he is a Professor in the Department of Technology and Society at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dr. Ferguson has been a major force behind the emergence of Stony Brook s most successful programs for minority students. In addition to recruiting other faculty colleagues to increase the minority participation in their programs, Dr. Ferguson has accomplished the following: Took the initiative and coordinated The Alliance for Minority Participation (AMP) Program for the SUNY system. His efforts have impacted the entire state. Raised several million dollars in addition to the above to support mentoring programs from high school to graduate school. Provides leadership throughout the state in offering advanced opportunities for minority students. Impressive mentoring of undergraduate students. These efforts give students research experience, sustained academic support and strategies leading to successful matriculation and degree completion in science and engineering fields. Impressive support letters noting his commitment, enthusiasm and untiring efforts to recruit and retain underrepresented groups in science, engineering and mathematics.