The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), in cooperation with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), will hold a two-day national conference to promote progress in understanding and implementing outcomes assessment for accreditation in engineering education. The meeting, which will take place September 19-20, 1997, in Washington, D.C., will bring together representatives of higher education institutions, industry, government, professional associations and accrediting agencies to accomplish six things: increase understanding of national trends in higher education assessment; examine progress in assessment in other disciplines such as dentistry and mathematics to understand what may be relevant to engineering; review assessment practices in industry that may be relevant to educational assessment; increase understanding of the goals of outcomes assessment in accreditation; promote dissemination and sharing of best assessment practices; and lay the groundwork for a continuing forum on outcomes assessment in engineering education. ASEE requests $49,500.00 from the National Science Foundation to enable this review of progress in engineering education assessment that will also provide information on a variety of assessment strategies to a broad engineering education audience. NSF funding for this conference will provide for set-up costs, travel costs of the speakers, dissemination of prepared papers and materials, and a summary report and proceedings.