The Department of Biological Sciences is undertaking several curricular modifications. All biology majors must now complete a core of five 1-semester courses that begins with two new introductory biology courses (Biology 151 and 200). This change insures that all majors receive a solid introduction to the major fields of biology, including molecular biology. The core continues with three 200 (intermediate)-level courses: Genetics and Molecular Biology (Biology 210, formerly Genetics), Cell Biology (Biology 220), and Ecology and Evolution (Biology 213). Biology 210 is a prerequisite for the latter two courses. All of these courses have associated laboratory experiences. The current goals are to modify Biology 210 in order to expose all majors to more of the concepts, techniques, and applications of molecular biology and to offer an advanced-level course in molecular biology to all interested majors. Accordingly, aspects of molecular biology are being added to Biology 210, and a 300-level molecular biology course, Biology 340 (Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics), is being prepared. Students benefit greatly from inquiry-based and community-based learning of biology. Accordingly, for the introductory biology sequence (Biology 151/200), a case-study classroom pedagogy is employed, and course laboratories are inquiry-based. Elements of inquiry-based and community-based learning can be added to the laboratory components of Biology 210 (Genetics and Molecular Biology) and a 300-level microbiology course (Biology 327, Microbiology). Inquiry- and community-based learning experiences are increased for the students in Biology 213 (Ecology and Evolution) and in Biology 331 (Seminar in Population Ecology) and make up a part of the new 300-level molecular biology course (Biology 340) laboratory experience.