This project is expanding the learning experience for students in the undergraduate laboratories for chemical engineering and environmental engineering. More than 100 students a year are benefiting from this improvement. Students are designing and conducting more realistic engineering experiments on more complex systems. These experiments are similar to situations encountered in industrial, government, and commercial work environments. This project is also expanding the opportunities for students to have interactive Internet access in the laboratory stations. Two methods are being employed. The first method is to expand the number of experimental stations that have computerized data acquisition and control equipment in these laboratories. Thiq goal is being accomplished with six new personal computers and associated hardware and software for measurement, data acquisition and control, analysis, reporting, and presentation of results. The second method is to expand Internet access to the laboratories with the development of software and networking for the monitoring and control of equipment. These improvements are adding systems for students to experience hands-on experiments with engineering equipment. They are also adding systems and capability for remote interaction with the laboratory equipment. This measure is allowing for cooperative laboratory experimentation among other schools. *