This project is purchasing a computer-controlled ion chromatograph and autosampler for the analysis of common inorganic anions, organic acids, and cations; an aluminum oxide ring mill vessel for rapidly crushing small, fine-grained rock and soil samples; and a powder diffraction database, CD-ROM computer, and x-ray diffraction (XRD) control and database search software to enhance the current XRD instrument. The new equipment is enhancing sample preparation and chemical analyses of natural water, rocks, soils, and other environmental samples. This enhancement is driven by ongoing efforts, in the Department of Geology, Civil Engineering, Chemistry, and Biology, to replace abstract laboratory exercises with those that cover similar concepts but involve hands-on sample collection, preparation, and analysis. The object, in addition to teaching the skills and concepts, is to give introductory and advanced students a better understanding of the nature of science and the purpose of analytical research and measurement. *