Since World War II, it has become increasingly clear that the goals for teaching and learning mathematics and the sciences are not being met. Graduates emerge with at best an ability to manipulate formulas, and at worst attitudes that reject these subjects and their applications. Often, computing science graduates are ill-prepared for even entry-level positions because of deficiencies in general problem-solving, oral and written communication, and working in teams. In this project, Georgia State University (GSU) is beginning the process to design, implement, and report on the results of systemic change in pedagogy in collegiate-level mathematics, statistics, computer science, and physical sciences courses, especially for pre-service teachers in keeping with MAA and AMATYC recommendations. One goal of the project is to change the basic modus operandi of how courses are taught. The initial focus is on the first two years of college mathematics, statistics, and computer science while planning for extending the efforts into the physical sciences. The project is being conducted in three phases. First, faculty in Mathematics and Computer Science, which also includes statistics, and Learning Support Programs are collaborating with faculty from the GSU College of Education to coordinate pedagogy taught in education courses with that experienced in content courses. Second, faculty from Chemistry and Geology departments will begin participating. Thirdly, representative faculty from other schools will be encouraged and supported to plan programs for their institutions. Products include: an ethnographic study of the entire program; a model for colleges interested in such systemic change; and guidelines/practical suggestions on ways in which mathematics and science departments can spur joint effort among faculty to ensure that innovative curriculum development and pedagogical change has a sustained impact. Lastly, a national advisory board of prominent professionals is being formed representing the mat hematical and physical sciences, education, and other schools.