The State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO) and the National Association of System Heads (NASH) propose to co-sponsor a one-day meeting of state and system leaders to examine current reform efforts to prepare high quality teachers. The discussions will focus on changes in undergraduate education programs at public colleges and universities, and include profiles of programs supported through grants from the National Science Foundation's Collaboratives for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (CETP). The goals of the meeting are to (a) examine state-and system-level initiatives to improve the preparation of pre-service teachers for K-12 classrooms (with a particular focus on mathematics and science program); (b) identify continuing challenges to these efforts; (c) profile innovative and effective practices; and (d) recommend follow-up action. To inform meeting participants and encourage group discussions on current and emerging policies and practice, two white papers will be published jointly by SHEEO and NASH: A background paper outlining current state initiatives on teacher education and professional development. The paper will include information on the roles and responsibilities of diverse state agencies, outcomes of recent state-level studies on teacher education, and supply and demand studies. A report that analyzes new and emerging state teacher certification and licensure requirements aimed at strengthening the knowledge and abilities of new and veteran teachers. The meeting will precede the annual joint meeting of NASH and the Association of Governing Boards (AGB) in Nashville, TN, April 18-19, 1998. Approximately 40 participants will be drawn from the SHEEO and NASH membership, and invited presenters and speakers.