The University System of Maryland with cooperation from the two and four-year institutions in the state will host a regional workshop for mathematics, science, and science education faculty and administrators from campuses in Maryland and surrounding states. The workshop will address four major issues: Scientific literacy for undergraduate science majors, improving the science education for pre-service teachers, improving the science education of science and technology majors to provide improved familiarity with technology, flexibility, and a path to lifelong learning and building the K-16 culture.
Teams of SMET faculty from each of the Maryland public and private two-year and four-year institutions will be invited to a one-day participatory workshop to continue a dialogue which began at the Spring 1998 Maryland Higher Education K-16 Conference. In addition, regional representatives from neighboring states: Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, and Pennsylvania will be invited to share successful models of improved undergraduate science education, collaboration with K-12 schools, and innovative pedagogy which incorporates technology and experiential learning.
The one-day workshop will be guided by a steering committee representing the major two and four year institutions in Maryland, along with representatives of K-12 and industry.