Recent Biology program revisions at Canisius College have placed a greater emphasis on cell and molecular biology. The objective of the proposed project is to enhance previously revised cell and molecular courses, by exposing upper division undergraduate students to advanced instrumentation and techniques integral to scientific experimentation in modern cell and molecular biology. These techniques will be presented in an investigative, student-designed, project-based laboratory designed to turn "Science students" into "student scientists". Requested instrumentation critical to the successful implementation of this project comprise an image analysis system that allows the capture, processing and analysis of images of either fixed or living cells. This instrumentation would allow visualization and quantification of the morphology and/or molecular composition of cells, and would facilitate the use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) technology to visualize and quantify gene expression in living cells. he ability to observe and measure changes in living cells in real time will emphasize to students the dynamic nature of cellular responses to changes in the extracellular environment. By providing state-of-the-art technology and engaging students in the design and analysis of exciting, modern problems in cell biology, this project will increase their knowledge of the scientific process, and prepare them more completely for careers in modem science. We believe this approach will be of interest to colleagues in other undergraduate institutions, and a projected outcome from this project will be creation of laboratory materials that can be adapted for use in other programs.