The overall purpose of this project is to introduce scanning probe microscopy (SPM) into the science curriculum at Lebanon Valley College (LVC). The project will be supervised by the Department of Physics at LVC with the following main objectives. (1 ) Integrate SPM into both introductory and advanced physics courses and laboratories at LVC. (2) Develop and offer a one-credit course on SPM for upper division students (e.g., biology and chemistry students) who have completed one year of introductory college physics. This course will use senior physics students who have been trained on SPM as laboratory teaching assistants. (3) Develop and use demonstrations/short laboratory exercises to support courses offered by the chemistry and biology departments as well as the Master of Science Education program at LVC (a program designed for elementary and secondary school teachers). In addition, the SPM will serve as a focus for physics student /faculty research at LVC, and assist the department in its outreach programs to local high schools and industries. This interaction has the potential of not only introducing SPM concepts into the high schools but SPM instrumentation as well.