A novel course called "Molecular Biology for Teachers", team taught by science educators and a molecular biologist, provides preservice teachers training in the following: (1) theory of molecular biology, (2) hands-on laboratory techniques appropriate for the curricular needs of 6-12 schools and their limited resources, (3) adapting existing biotechnology lessons and critical evaluation of popular "prepackaged" programs, (4) performance assessment of student skills and evaluation of student content knowledge. Outcomes include enthused, confident, and skilled 6-12 science teachers who then engender in their students improvements in science literacy and interest in science careers. The course is being developed, implemented and team-taught at Central Washington University (CWU) by faculty in Biology, Chemistry and Science Education. Students are eligible to continue research in this area, and, once they graduate, are eligible to borrow equipment kits for use in their 6-12 classrooms. An advisory board of individuals experienced in delivering molecular biology education for in-service 6-12 teachers provides added expertise.