The Muhlenberg College Biology Department emphasizes inquiry-based learning in its curriculum. Students learn by designing original projects in the field or laboratory, analyzing and interpreting their data, and presenting them to faculty and their peers. A project-based approach increases student investment in learning. Some of these projects have led to student publications. The Department is planning to expand the project-based approach across the curriculum and increase the emphasis on quantitative data analysis. Four intermediate and advanced level courses are targeted for this proposal: Scanning Electron Microscopy, Field Botany and Plant Ecology, Advanced Molecular Genetics, and Physiological Regulation and Adaptation. All four courses will emphasize student projects, quantitative analysis and presentation of results in a departmental symposium and poster session. This initiative requires that students have access to sophisticated data analysis software and hardware. In order to make these technologies available to students, the Department is planning the construction of a Biology Computer Facility. The new computer laboratory will provide access to current technology for students doing research projects in these four courses as well as students performing independent or honors research projects.