The project is an extension of the Earth Algebra and Earth Math projects, funded by the U.S. Department of Education and the NSF. The goal is to produce versatile, technology-intensive materials for classroom use and teacher training. Reform-based applications are being incorporated into platform-independent software to make them accessible to anyone with a computer. The versatility of these materials allows an instructor to use them regardless of the textbook. Environmental applications from the previous projects are redesigned to be used in courses from algebra through calculus. The project features an inquiry-based format, Web-based interactive materials, seamless interface with state-of-the-art technology, use of real data, interesting applications of mathematical concepts, and flexibility of classroom use. Materials are being kept in an inquiry-based format for courses from algebra through calculus, both high school and college, and for in-service and pre-service teachers. The product is being piloted, tested, and evaluated at Kennesaw State, Portland State, San Juan College, Phoenix College, Dine' College and in high schools. Workshops for college faculty and high school teachers are being conducted, and the materials are being published on CD-ROM and other media.