COMPRES, the Consortium for Materials Property Research in the Earth Sciences, promotes research and education in the area of Earth Science materials properties. The goal of this research community is to improve our understanding of the Earth and other planetary bodies by better understanding the materials that make up these bodies at the conditions that are found within the bodies. Through a community-based consortium approach, COMPRES aims to provide the broadest possible access to advanced facilities for research on Earth materials. Broad access will be achieved in part through educational initiatives and improved user support at advanced, centralized research facilities. This program supports the infrastructure for education and research including operational costs for national facilities, development projects for the community research programs, educational efforts for the community, and a central office. The mission of COMPRES is focused within three themes: COMPRES Central, Community Facilities, and Infrastructure Development Projects. COMPRES is governed by the community through elected committees and officials. The consortium will enable a community-wide approach to setting research and development priorities, and identifying the most promising new areas of future technology and research.