This MRI grant provides support for the acquisition of a high resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) for the Miami University Electron Microscopy Facility (EMF). The EMF is a university wide facility that is utilized extensively in teaching and research. A large number of researchers in many disciplines focus their studies on earth materials, ceramics, semiconductors, catalysts, and biological materials, and therefore TEM is an essential tool to high productivity. This new instrument will become the primary TEM for the characterization of earth materials and chemical/biological compounds. In the past 5 years, the EMF has supported funded research from 56 laboratories in 8 departments of Miami University and other regional institutions, resulting more than 126 publications. A large percent of this usage is with our severely outdated TEM. The new instrument will provide essential capabilities and will be the primary focus of multiple research programs within the campus. The improved resolution and contrast, and the new energy filtering, analytical capabilities and electron diffraction will significantly increase the types of samples that can be analyzed and the types of information obtainable. An enhanced EMF also provides many educational opportunities. The new instrument will be used to train students at all levels. About 30 students and post-docs use TEM. Most faculty have undergraduate students working in their labs. This instrument will be incorporated into the existing courses and will be used to develop new ones. The broader impact will be maximized by using Internet Tele-microscopy. Existing collaborations with other universities and industries will be strengthened and new ones will be established.