This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). Granted funds will support acquisition of a powder x-ray diffractometer (XRD) to support research in environmental geochemistry, paleoclimatology, economic geology, archeology and geomicrobiology that requires unambiguous mineral phase identification. The new XRD would replace a 20 year old XRD in the Geology Department at the University of Georgia that is no longer supported by a manufacturer. The new instrument will immediately support PI research on the CO2 sequestration potential of iron oxyhydroxide soil minerals studies of the redox sensitivity of radioactive 137Cs on its bioavailability, transport and fate within soils at the DOE Savannah River site, both projects of pressing societal importance. The new XRD will support student training in x-ray diffraction methods for identification of Earth materials and serve as a regional analytical facility for the southeastern U.S. Student trained in modern methods of materials characterization are well poised for future employment in a range of technology sectors.