The purpose of this Gordon Research Conference (July 10-15, 2011) is to bring together established and developing experts in the field of catchment sciences, to share the results of cutting-edge research, develop new collaborations, and assess where the science stands, where the sciences needs to go and to best understand the future of catchments under global change. The 2011 GRC on Catchment Science will be chaired by Irena Creed (University of Western Ontario, Canada) and co-chaired by Doerthe Tetzlaff (University of Aberdeen, Scotland). Thomas Bullen (U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park CA, USA) is Vice Chair and has the primary role of organizing the poster sessions. The theme of the conference is ?Sentinels of Global Change.? Keynote speakers include James Kirchner, Charles Driscoll, Charles Vorosmarty, Leroy Poff, Kevin Bishop, Susan Brantley, Lawrence Band, Upmanu Lall, Andras Szollosy-Nagy (Director of the Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO) among others.
The Gordon Research Conference on Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry was held at Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, July 10-15, 2011. The Conference was well-attended with 129 participants (attendees list attached). The attendees represented the spectrum of endeavor in this field coming from academia, industry, and government laboratories, both U.S. and foreign scientists, senior researchers, young investigators, and students. Of the 129 attendees, 64 voluntarily responded to a general inquiry regarding ethnicity which appears on our registration forms. Of the 64 respondents, 8% were Minorities – 2% Hispanic, 6% Asian and 0% African American. Approximately 46% of the participants at the 2011 meeting were women. In designing the formal speakers program, emphasis was placed on current unpublished research and discussion of the future target areas in this field. There was a conscious effort to stimulate lively discussion about the key issues in the field today. Time for formal presentations was limited in the interest of group discussions. In order that more scientists could communicate their most recent results, poster presentation time was scheduled. Attached is a copy of the formal schedule and speaker program and the poster program. In addition to these formal interactions, "free time" was scheduled to allow informal discussions. Such discussions are fostering new collaborations and joint efforts in the field. Thank you for your support of this Conference. As you know, in the interest of promoting the presentation of unpublished and frontier-breaking research, Gordon Research Conferences does not permit publication of meeting proceedings.