This Major Research Instrumentation grant supports acquisition of a state-of-the-art electron microprobe (EMP) equipped with five wavelength dispersive spectrometers (WDS), an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), and cathodoluminescence spectrometer. The EMP will support a range of research and research training across multiple departments on campus with broad themes including: 1) Earth Processes; 2) Sustainability & Climate Change; 3) Pollution Prevention & Remediation; 4) Planetary Geology & Meteorite Impacts; 5) Geoarchaeology; and 6) Public Health, all with needs for microspatially resolved quantitative chemical analysis of solid materials. Example research applications include innovative and promising studies of the conditions of magmagenesis as recorded in arc volcanics and tectonic investigations relying on study of metamorphic rock suites through use of EMP geothermbarometric techniques as well as studies of bolide impact processes, paleoclimate investigations of relict lake deposits, and studies of nanoparticle aggregates and the role of microbes in the chemical cycling of heavy metals. The PIs plan to engage underrepresented students in research experiences using the EMP through an extant Alliance for Graduate Education and Professoriate (AGEP) and the Ethnic Inclusion Program in Iowa Engineering institutional wide programs.