Seismology and acoustics are complementary geophysical methods for quantifying volcanic eruption processes and both now play a critical role in volcano monitoring and hazard mitigation. Seismic data record elastic wavefields propagating through the solid Earth, while acoustic data record acoustic wavefields propagating through the fluid atmosphere. Collectively, seismic and acoustic (seismo-acoustic) signals recorded before, during, and after eruptions inform our understanding of how volcanoes work and enable volcano monitoring scientists to forecast and assess eruptions. Seismic data currently form the backbone of most volcano-monitoring systems. Seismic signals at erupting volcanoes capture magma transport and rapid depressurization associated with explosive eruptions. Infrasound, acoustic waves with frequencies below 20 Hz, the lower-frequency limit of human hearing, is a newer technology, and provide accurate constraints on the timing and duration of explosive eruptive activity. Infrasound from major explosive eruptions can propagate for thousands of kilometers in atmospheric waveguides and infrasound sensor networks are sometimes the only ground-based technology to record an explosive eruption. This project supports a 5-year comprehensive research program on the source, propagation, and remote detection and quantification of the seismo-acoustic signatures of volcanic unrest and eruption. This research program will be integrated with a range of undergraduate and graduate educational activities at the Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara.

This project will collect next-generation, multi-parametric, seismo-acoustic field data from active volcanoes in Vanuatu, Mexico, and Chile at local (<15 km), regional (15-250 km), and remote (>250 km) distances from the source. In tandem, the lead researcher will develop an array of computationally intensive data processing methodologies and modeling and inversion strategies to systematically mine large volcano seismo-acoustic datasets and test multiple scientific hypotheses about the source and propagation of these wavefields. Specifically, he will investigate: (1) Acoustic source directivity of volcanic explosions; (2) Seismo-acoustic wave partitioning, conversion, and coupling; (3) Non-linear infrasound propagation; (4) The influence of topography and atmospheric structure (primarily wind and temperature) on linear and non-linear infrasound propagation from volcanic explosions; and (5) the capability of regional and remote infrasound and seismic networks to detect, locate, characterize, and catalog explosive eruptions. This work has the potential to dramatically advance the field of volcano seismo-acoustics, bridging the gap between local and regional to global scale studies. The Vanuatu field deployments will combine ground-based broadband seismic and infrasonic networks with multiple novel airborne infrasound tethered-balloon (aerostat) acquisition systems together with 3D aerial (drone) imaging and other multi-parametic data. Each geophysics field experiment team will include up to five undergraduates and two graduate students from UC Santa Barbara. The experiments will involve significant international collaboration with multiple researchers and graduate students from the US, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Mexico, and Chile. In the field, they will collect geo-referenced video data from novel 360 degree, virtual reality capable cameras, unmanned aerial vehicles, and other systems, allowing the creation of a rich immersive material for virtual field trip exercises that will share the excitement of volcano geophysics fieldwork and scientific discovery to General Education undergraduate students at UC Santa Barbara and elsewhere.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Earth Sciences (EAR)
Application #
Program Officer
Eva Zanzerkia
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
Total Cost
Indirect Cost
University of California Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara
United States
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