This a project to establish a geodetic network in the Aegean region and measure precise baselines over a long time period in order to determine the regional strain field. The project focusses on the back-arc spreading center of the southern Aegean, but is also one element of a coordinated international program to study the active tectonics of the eastern Mediterranean region. The Aegean project is a collaborative effort among the University NAVSTAR Consortium (UNAVCO), the Working Group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earthquake Research (WEGENER), the Hellenic Geodetic Commission, National Technical University (Athens) and the Hellenic Military Geographic Service. As a result for this collaboration, a large number of instruments will be available for the field program, logistics within Greece will be eased, a wide range of scientific expertise will be brought to bear on interpretation of the results, and the cost to NSF/UNAVCO will be relatively low. The Aegean program will be closely coordinated both logistically and scientifically with a similar UNAVCO/WEGENER project in neighboring Turkey (R.Reilinger and N.Toksoz, Mass. Inst. Technology, U.S. Principal Investigators).