The Pliocene-aged "Pinecrest Sand" of southwestern Florida is possibly unique in the abundance density and diversity of fossil mollusks it contains. The Pinecrest is today exposed only in man-made excavations and these excavations are often very short- lived. Two pit complexes are exceptions. The pits of APAC Florida, Inc. and Quality Aggregates, Inc. are extensive, long- standing operations which give ample opportunity for sampling and examination of fossiliferous strata in situ. The APAC pit, however, is due to be closed and reclaimed as a lake by early to mid-1991. Although the Quality Aggregates operation will continue beyond this date, individual pits are in the process of being reclaimed right now. Extensive sampling and preliminary interpretation of the taxonomy and distribution of the gastropods in the Pinecrest sand exposed in these pits will be conducted before their reclamation makes further study impossible.