Multicomponent seismic reflection, magnetotelluric, structural, and petrological studies of Basin-and-Range crust will be performed to study problems of fluids in the crust including magma at the Moho, crustal inflow beneath uplifted core complexes, underplating, mid-crustal detachment zones, anisotropy, and nature of lower crust. Structural plunge of the Ruby Mountains core complex, producing greater than 10 km difference in level of exposure, offers a particularly good setting to study these problems. The combination of S-waves as well as P-waves together with conductivity in the deep crust provides a good opportunity to constrain various possibilities suggested for Basin-and-Range crust, especially because seismic and MT results complement each other in explaining conductive zones. Data acquisition involving about 1550 seismic channels is designed to optimize S-wave data for maximum resolution, and the question of resolution in seismic and MT interpretation is a major consideration in developing conclusions. Models obtained from geophysical interpretation will be integrated with petrology and structure.