9316711 Levander This award provides 73 percent of the funds required for the acquisition of a 60-channel digital 24-bit seismograph, cables, geophones, and a seismic source to be used by the reflection seismology research group in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at Rice University. The University is committed to providing the remaining funds necessary to acquire the equipment. The Rice University program will utilize the seismograph system in their current research projects which include land and marine seismic experiments in the Blake Plateau, Carolina Trough, Gulf of Mexico, the Hatton-Rockall Bank, central California transform margin, Aleutian Arc, and the Brooks Range in Alaska. These and other active projects are supported by the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research and are aimed at a better understanding of the structure of the Earth's crust and of the methodology of seismic imaging techniques. ***