9418384 Kimbrough The Mesozoic to Recent tectonic history of western North America involved subductions, arrival and translations of terranes due to oblique relative plate motions, uplift and sedimentation, rotation and final amalgamations to North America. Within this framework many discrepancies exist between paleomagnetic data and geologic data concerning amount of origin parallel displacement and the timing of those displacements, as well as difference in models of uplift of batholiths and the fate of this erosion products. This project will focus on syn-orogenic conglomerate shed from the rising peninsular ranges batholiths into forearc basins. Distinctive geologic and geochemical characteristics of the batholiths will be used to specify source areas for the forearc basins. Results will greatly increase the geological basis for discriminating between "fixist" vs. "mobilist" models for orogen- parallel transport of terranes outboard of the batholiths, and should help tip the scales on several unresloved problems of the California border lands.