9508180 Peacor This grant provides $125,000 as partial support for the acquisition of a powder diffractometer system and ancillary equipment including high and low-temperature attachments, a monochromator, a position-sensitive detector, and controlling hardware and software. This system will be housed in the X-ray Mineralogy Laboratory of the Department of Geological Sciences. The university will provide 44% of the total cost of this system. This equipment will replace an antiquated and presently inadequate powder X-ray diffraction unit. The present instrument has heretofore served as the only powder diffractometer servicing the entire Central Campus of the University of Michigan. In addition to its use in the principal investigator's highly regarded research in clay mineralogy, the new facility will be available to qualified students and faculty of other departments including members of the Departments of Geological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics and the College of Pharmacy and Dentistry. ***