; R o o t E n t r y F g_ C o m p O b j b W o r d D o c u m e n t O b j e c t P o o l g_ g_ 4 @ ( ! " # $ % & ' ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J F Microsoft Word 6.0 Document MSWordDoc Word.Document.6 ; e = e z z j j j j j j j S 1 5 T 5 S j S j j j j ~ j j j j @ 9526506 Umhoefer The eastern margin of Baja California is an example of a continental margin that has experienced young (Plio-Quaternary) oblique rifting which appears to have overprinted, slightly order orthogonal rifting. This style of deformation may lead to formation of detached continental blocks that then travel parallel to the margin, eventually becoming allochthonous terranes attached or reattached to continental margins far from their point of origin. The goals of this collaborative project to test the hypothesis that orthogonal rifting was overprinted by oblique rifting, to document fault interactions, to investigate segmentation of structures along the margin and to study the associated land forms produced by these tectonic events. Results should help understand the origin of the Gulf of California and, by analogy, may help understand allochthonous terranes. Oh +' 0 $ H l D h R:WWUSERTE MPLATENORMAL.DOT S u m m a r y I n f o r m a t i o n ( 9526506 Felicia Smith Felicia Smith @ C @ @ C @ Microsoft Word 6.0 1 ; z y z ! ! ! ! K @ Normal a " A@ " Default Paragraph Font z z z z @ Felicia Smith/\CLM12EARTESHR1995SEPTABSTRACTUMHOEFER.TXT @HP LaserJet IIID LPT3: hppcl5a HP LaserJet IIID 8D R HP LaserJet IIID 8D R y y y y 1 Times New Roman Symbol & Arial " h e e $ 5 9526506 Felicia Smith Felicia Smith ; ;