9628363 Thurber This research is to investigate the relationship between earthquakes, of magnitudes about 3.3 and above, to creep events on the Northern Gabilans section of the San Andreas fault (SAF) in central California. There has been an apparent temporal relationship between creep events and earthquakes on the SAF in this area from April - November 1995; six successive times, magnitude 3.4 to 5.0 earthquakes were preceded by creep events in the region, with the creep events occurring between 1.5 and 5 days before the earthquakes. The statistical significance of this correlation will be evaluated as well as related questions of the physics of earthquakes in creeping sections of the SAF. The findings may be relevant to the Parkfield segment of the SAF and other creeping fault segments. This research is a component of the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program. ***