Within this proposal, a novel gas sensor based on the surface conduction tunneling mechanism will be developed to address the above issues of semiconductor- based gas sensors.
The proposed gas sensor technology is based on the surface conduction tunneling mechanism through the nanogaps in the metal oxide semiconductor thin films. Since the proposed sensor measures the current, the signal can be amplified to increase the sensitivity. It also allows detection of each gas by measuring the tunneling threshold voltage.
The education plan focuses on the PI's activities in five key areas: (1) mentoring and training of graduate students in a multidisciplinary environment to become creative and independent researchers who have the background and skills to discover and develop new ideas in the areas of nanomaterials and nanotechnology, (2) encouragement and support for undergraduate and high school students research participation, (3) recruitment and retention of high school students, minorities and women in engineering education through a high school outreach program, (4) enhancement of the Materials Engineering curriculum by the addition of a new graduate course and a short course, and (5) development of research activities at Western Michigan University by collaboration, team work, and diversity.
This research plan is designed to get technical/laboratory assistance from regional universities, government laboratories (i.e. Argonne National Laboratory), and international institutions in Japan and Denmark at the initial stage. The PI also intends to reach out to the regional automobile industries for future academic and industrial partnerships.