This project focuses on developing a forward-error-correcting multi-array biosensor based on molecular bio-wires. Based on the PIs previous work on conductometric immunosensors they propose to build a network of molecular switches using conductive polyaniline as a transducer for detecting binding events between antigens and their target antibodies. The biosensor will utilize a lateral flow of analyte through the network to selectively trigger molecular switches that will be arranged to form a parity-check array. Thus the transduced electrical signal will be used to decode the presence/absence of multiple pathogens in the analyte.

Intellectual Merit: The integration of error-control coding to improve the detection rate of a multi-array biosensors is proposed. The proposed research will investigate effects of cross-reactivity and non-specificity of antibodies on forward error correction. This could lead to novel decoding algorithms that could compensate for artifacts in the biosensor array and also reduce common-mode effects due to pH variations in the analyte. By implementing decoders in silicon they plan to demonstrate a hybrid-system based on bio-silicon electronics, where high sensitivity due to biological circuits is combined with accurate computing due to silicon based circuits.

Broader Impacts: The broader impacts of the proposed multi-array biosensor will be in the area of medical diagnostics and homeland security applications where rapid reliable detection of pathogenic organisms in biological samples is critical. Integrating the biosensor with silicon chips could lead to disposable smart biosensor tags that can be used in ubiquitous sensing. The multi-disciplinary nature of this proposal will present an ideal avenue to train undergraduate and graduate students in the area of bio-systems and electrical engineering. Elements of the proposed project will be used to develop new teaching materials in the area of bio-electronics and integrated into classroom teaching.

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Michigan State University
East Lansing
United States
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