The objective of this research is to integrate synchronized wide area measurements and Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) to improve power system dynamic control. The Virginia Tech and University of Missouri-Rolla team will develop a framework for improved FACTS coordination utilizing wide area information provided by Phasor Measurement Units and the North America Power Grid Frequency Monitoring Network. Specifically, this work will correlate the observability and controllability for FACTS devices and develop coordinated control and placement approaches for FACTS devices and monitors, and analyze the impact of signal integrity when validating on a large scale system.
Intellectual Merit:
This effort will go beyond current approaches of control utilizing a small number of devices using only local signals. Integrating properly chosen global information will minimize the potential for negative control device interactions while simultaneously improving inter-area oscillation mitigation. The use of the actual measurements to test the control algorithms is another unique feature that will bring the theories and algorithms developed closer to actual implementation. The wide area measurements based FACTS control provides an opportunity to improve the manner in which power systems are operated and controlled.
Broader Impact:
This work will help lay the foundation for innovative counter-measures against system failures, and contribute to increased reliability of our nation's critical electric power system infrastructure. The research environment fostered by the collaborating team will provide opportunity to educate a new generation of engineers who will not only have the skills in theory, hands on experience, team work experience, but also the ability to think "globally".