The objective of this research is to develop a new class of modeling and analysis tools for energy processing systems. The approach is based on a two-level structure in which lower-level (component) models in the form of computer code, lookup data or equations are used to directly answer questions about the higher system level without requiring explicit models in the form of equations.
Intellectual Merit: The project develops an overall framework and specific tools for multi-scale robust modeling, analysis and simulation of energy processing systems. Specifically, the framework allows for models specified as computer code, enables multi-level analysis and simulation that is "equation-assisted" at the system level for numerical performance, and enables hybrid simulators by allowing for run-time measurement inputs.
Broader Impact: The project contributes to unification of knowledge in the areas of system and energy engineering, controls, and applied mathematics. The long-term goal is to improve the understanding and containment of complex system-wide events such as blackouts. The underlying ideas are to be presented at the undergraduate level to illuminate the complementary roles of simulations and measurements in understanding complex systems and to prepare students for leadership roles in technical fields and in public policy. Educational aspects include training of two graduate students, who will attend professional meetings and participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching. New teaching modules for undergraduate, graduate, and professional development courses in energy engineering and a new graduate class on multi-scale simulation and analysis of large-scale energy systems are to be developed.