Research Objectives and Approaches: The objective of this research is to study and optimize the interactions of nanoparticles in memory and photonic devices. Activities carried out under this project will include the formation and thermal stability of nanocrystals of the right size, size distribution and spacing by three viable methods, understanding electron injection into the metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles, understanding electron transfer between nanoparticles and the adjacent dielectric material and integrating nanoparticles in emerging memory and photonic devices such as FinFLASH and FinLight.
Intellectual Merit The success of the proposed activity will result in high performance memory and photonics devices which are fully compatible with CMOS. This will be accompanied by gaining fundamental insight into the interface between nanocrystals and its surrounding dielectrics. The collaboration with industry leaders in memory area will further solidify the approaches used in this work and transition them into viable manufacturable processes.
Broader Impact: The successful implementation of robust nanoparticle based devices will open up new opportunities not only in electronics but also in emerging areas such as biosensors and energy efficiency. PIs at both institutions will develop educational programs such as undergraduate nanolab course, development of a a nanocamp for high school students, an engineer?s week for even younger students, and career fairs for minorities for graduate schools which will enrich the student experience and also increase diversity of the education workforce. In addition, industrial internships provided to the graduate students will foster communication of industry needs to the university, while providing a highly trained workforce for industry in the future.