The objective of this research is to study fundamental and applied aspects of novel devices based on molecular self assembly at the surface of organic semiconductors that exhibit remarkable electronic properties, such as high electrical conductivity and chemical sensing. The approach is to perform growth of aligned 2D layers of polar molecules at organic surfaces, leading to a surface-restricted doping of organic semiconductors and to utilize these devices in development of novel chemical sensors.
Intellectual merit of this Project consists of (a) understanding the electronic properties of these self-assembled monolayers on organic semiconductors by investigating their nanoscale structure and surface conductivity, and (b) paving the road to novel chemically selective sensors based on this system. The broader impact of the Project is the underpinning of several cutting-edge technologies crucial for our society, such as flexible electronics, semiconductor physics, sensors and nanotechnology. The interdisciplinary nature of the Project provides excellent educational and outreach opportunities. Undergraduate and graduate students will be exposed to the state-of-the-art tools of modern semiconductor research. The skills learned by the students in this Project are highly marketable and will serve as a valuable asset for employment in industrial, governmental or academic institutions. The focus of the proposed research on novel semiconductor devices will help to achieve the main educational goal of the Program: teaching the students experimental skills of semiconductor research and incorporation of modern topics on Semiconductor Physics in the graduate curriculum. Proposed research is therefore closely integrated with the educational component of the Project.