The objective of this research is to investigate the wavelet design for optimizing its performance for specific applications in power systems. Another objective of the research is to develop a time-domain transmission line model that can represent frequency dependent parameters in an accurate manner and to incorporate it into a time-domain transient simulation program. The approach is to first concentrate on creating a family of electrical transient signals by using a simulator such as the electromagnetic transients program. The characteristics of each type of transient will be identified in order to define the main properties to represent by a wavelet. Once the signal characteristics are identified, a quadrature mirror filter wavelet/wavepacket orthogonal basis will be constructed by selecting an appropriate binary tree structure and optimizing the mother wavelet/scaling function with respect to its filter lattice parameters.
Intellectual Merit
The project advances the knowledge and understanding in the area of wavelet transforms when used for power system transient analysis by customizing the mother wavelet to specific characteristics of power networks.
Broader Impacts
Results of the project will lead to significant reliability improvements in the operation of the nation's power grid by allowing accurate and reliable fault location. This will produce cost savings by minimizing the duration of unexpected power outages.
The project will also train two graduate students who will teach the developed material in the undergraduate laboratory classes. The results of the project will be disseminated as journal publications. The project will also involve undergraduate students from under-represented groups using REU supplemental funds.