Wind Power - Multilevel Control, Intelligent Grid Integration and Real Time Digital Simulation
This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
Objectives: The objective of this research is to investigate methodologies for real time modeling and simulation, novel control structures, and intelligent integration technologies for high penetration of wind power. The approach is to (1) derive multilevel coordinated control and protection for wind power operation at levels of a System Operator, a Wind Power Plant Dispatch Center, and individual Wind Turbine Generators; (2) investigate application of intelligent technologies for wind power grid integration; (3) establish a reconfigurable wind power simulation platform for realistic, dynamic, real-time modeling and simulation of wind energy conversion systems.
Intellectual Merits: This research will yield fundamental contributions in terms of new theories, control algorithms, and technologies for wind energy utilization. Specifically, the research will provide solutions to key issues for resilient and reliable wind power system operation. If successful, our timely findings will facilitate the deployment of large-scale wind power into the future smart grid and thus enable our society?s paradigm shift to renewable energy resources.
Broader Impacts: This project will yield many far-reaching benefits for society and the nation as a whole by training of well-qualified workforce and participation of underrepresented groups in wind power engineering, a rapidly evolving area faced with international competition. Through the project, collaborations with leading industries and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory will bring technological breakthroughs for wind energy utilization; outreach and recruiting activities will attract more minority students and the younger generation into the power engineering field. The power engineering community will benefit from broad-based dissemination of the research findings in leading journals, conferences, workshops, internet, short courses and tutorials.