The objectives of this research are to epitaxially grow high quality InGaN ordered quantum dot (QD) arrays, to independently control the QD density, size, shape, and height, and to realize high efficiency InGaN QD light emitters and quantum optical devices.
Intellectual Merit: InGaN QD devices can provide superior properties for short-wavelength optoelectronics, high power and high speed electronics, spintronics, nanophotonics, and quantum optics. Current issues of InGaN QD devices include nonuniformity, weak quantum confinement, and poor material qualities. The proposed work explores a new approach to fabricating high quality InGaN QD devices by avoiding the strain-induced 2D-3D transition in the Stranski-Krastanov growth and various issues associated with it. Through the integration of high quality InGaN QDs in light emitters and quantum-optical structures, the proposed work will provide a fundamental understanding of InGaN QD devices, elucidating the true potential of these devices without being masked by the poor quality of QDs.
Broader Impacts: The broader impacts of this program include (1) the creation of a multidisciplinary (materials science, device physics, semiconductor processing, and optical science) scientific learning environment for students at a variety of levels (from K12 to graduate) and from several underrepresented groups; (2) the development of a new undergraduate course in Solid-State Lighting and Photovoltaics, and a new graduate course in Nanophotonics; (3) outreach projects in collaborations with (OE)^2 Office at the University of Michigan to develop teaching modules for local K12 schools. These teaching modules will then be disseminated to a broader audience via internet.