The objective of this research is to provide enabling instrumentation for controlled patterning of nanostructures at dimensions comparable to molecular length scales. The approach is to acquire a next generation high voltage electron beam lithography instrument that exceeds the current limits of precision and accuracy. Electron beam lithography equipment employs a digitally controlled beam of electrons to directly shape nanoscale patterns. The new level of speed, placement accuracy, overlay, and stability will allow resolution and control on the sub-10 nm length scale enabling scientific and technological breakthroughs in sectors that include: communications, high density computer storage, health care diagnostic, low cost electronics, and energy research and products. This award will place advanced patterning equipment at the Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility where it will be openly accessed by hundreds of researchers annually. Broader impacts of this award devolve from CNF?s active and committed role in nanotechnology education, mentorship, human resources and economic development. CNF staff conduct over a thousand group training sessions on individual equipment for over 700 users annually. CNF staff teach semi-annual nanotechnology laboratory courses, organize workshops specifically for practitioners of e-beam lithography and will develop an advanced e-beam training module. CNF sponsors and hosts over 20 undergraduate researchers each summer focusing on nanotechnology research. The CNF REU program particularly targets women, underrepresented minorities, and students with little or no prior research experience. In addition, CNF provides significant technology support to small innovative companies with limited laboratory resources, resulting in significant economic development opportunities.