The objectives of the award are to sponsor 20 students to attend the 5th IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2009), to be held in Dearborn, Michigan. September 7-11, 2009. VPPC09 is co-sponsored by IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS). This year the conference will feature the theme of sustainability: hybrid, plug-in, fuel cell and battery technology. A merit-based student selection criterion will be adopted to select the student awardees.
Intellectual Merit: The VPPC 09 aims to provide a forum for the sustainability of future transportation through the developments and applications of hybrid, plug-in and battery powered and propelled vehicles. This conference will enhance integration of research and education in power and energy engineering using the exemplary vehicular power systems. By attending technical tutorials and paper sessions in this conference, students will be exposed to state of the art science and technology in order to become leaders in future clean and efficient vehicle technology.
Broader Impact: The outcomes of this conference will help reduce automobile emission to improve our environment and reduce our dependence on foreign oil to enhance national security. Far-reaching benefits for our society and nation include accelerating environmentally-friendly hybrid electric vehicles research and development; training of well-qualified workforce; and participation of underrepresented groups in vehicular power engineering, a rapidly evolving area faced with international competition. This conference provides outreach opportunity to attract more minority and female students into the power engineering field.