Intellectual Merit: As the capabilities of bio-implantable devices advance, there is increasing need for high-speed, low-power in-body communication systems. By using error control techniques with micro-power analog information processing circuits, energy can be reduced without affecting system performance. This approach, called "analog decoding", will be used to develop communication chips for in-body applications with minimum energy resources. The system will incorporate several complex nonlinear analog components that have been demonstrated in previous work. The proposed system-on-chip will be the first integration of these analog components into a complete micro-power communication technology. The resulting device will provide continuous throughput greater than two million bits per second without need for sleep modes, and will consume on the order of one milli-Watt of power.
Broader Impacts: The intended application for this research is cortical stimulators that function as electronic interfaces to the human brain. In theory, these interfaces can be used to effectively cure blindness and paralysis by restoring neural communication with the patient's brain. These devices may eventually be able to repair damage to the central nervous system by bypassing the damaged sites through a wireless network of recording and stimulating devices implanted in the body. The proposed communication circuits will be an important step toward this goal by providing the necessary throughput without elevating power levels beyond current implantable micro-devices. Educationally, this project will develop new instructional materials that integrate electronics education with bio-medial research applications. Outreach efforts will include demonstrations and activities designed around the themes of medical and veterinary monitoring technologies. These activities will be provided at events designed to recruit students from underrepresented backgrounds.